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Consumer Touch

What does the consumer want?

What is the potential to provide answers and solutions to problems that even the consumer does not realise exist?

These are the questions that work in Marico revolves around. The answers that we have gained have resulted in innovative products time after time. Whether it is the history of Parachute pioneering the switch from tin cans to plastic bottles, or Revive creating a market where none existed before to more user friendly product packaging, Marico has excelled in making life simple for the consumer. The reason we have been able to do so consistently lies in our approach, which is to focus on consumer insight.

At Marico, there is a compulsion to peek beyond corners and set new goals, to scale new heights. Undoubtedly, our strength lies in brand building. But the idea is not to look back at the winning brands that we have created and pat ourselves on the back. The ideology that we relentlessly practice at Marico, is Path Breaking Consumer Touch. Ideas at Marico transfer, through dedicated effort into quality products. When quality and value are apparent, our products dominate the consumer's mind space. Market Share is then our reward, which in turn creates wealth for our shareholders.

Don't take our word for it. Tour our Brands section, for real life examples of how our insight has worked for us. See for yourself what our Financial Reviews are. And if our ideology is up your alley, our Career section beckons.

Path Breaking Consumer Touch - the passion that drives Marico to do things differently.
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