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Revive is an Instant Cold Water Starch, the ONLY product of its kind. Formulated with the latest International technology to give clothes uniform, strong starching, it is uniquely positioned on the platform of making your 'Clothes Look Like New".

Launched in 1993, this product created a market where none existed. It continues being the only Instant Cold Water Starch in the country. Over the years, Revive has fought fiercely against the competition of home made starches like rice water and arrow root and has reached a penetration of 40% among starching house holds. Revive has been upgraded on two critical parameters - stiffness and solubility.

Our Consumers:

The key consumers for Revive are house wives who regularly starch their clothes. Most of them are from the urban part of the country with a middle or upper middle class skew.

Contributors to Revive' s success:
Revive created a market for Instant starch, when there was none. It continues to be the only product of its kind. Revive is not just innovative but also consistently delivers superior performance. The communication has always been endearing so as to help the brand gain new consumers over the years.
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