News From Marico
News On Marico

Sales & Distribution

Marico's Distribution Network:
Marico's distribution width and penetration is acknowledged as one of the best in the industry and is a leverageable strength. Every month, 46 million consumer packs are sold to about 1.8 million households through 1.7 million retail outlets spread across the country. Marico's distribution network covers almost every Indian town with a population of over 20,000. The chart below depicts Marico's distribution network in the urban & rural markets:


With such a penetrated presence, it is not surprising that 1 out of every 10 Indians is a Marico consumer.

Distribution Alliance:
Our distribution strength has been recognised by Indo Nissin Foods Ltd. through their association with us for the distribution of Top Ramen products on a national basis.


Rural Sales & Distribution:

  • Marico's parallel rural sales and distribution network ranks among the top three in the industry and contributes 24% to the company's topline.
  • Our infrastructure comprises more than 115 super distributors, catering to 2600 small stockists and 9000 van markets.
  • A dedicated team of Territory Sales Executives and Pilot Sales Representatives distribute Marico's as well as alliance brands through this vibrant network.


Alternate Channels:

  • The company has made a significant movement in creating the infrastructure for a Direct to Home operation in select cities.
  • We have taken the lead in establishing a superior quality of relationships with supermarket chains.


Sales Capacity:
We have made significant progress in the areas that enhance sales capacity.

  • Quality of our distributors
  • Quality and number of the distributor field force
  • Upgradation in the role of the company's front-line sales force.


Marico believes in investing in the training and development of its field force for:

  • Regularly upgrading skill sets.
  • Providing an understanding for leadership enhancement


Information Technology (IT) in Sales:
Marico has been making investments in IT to ensure:

  • Supply Chain efficiencies
  • Availability of the SKU at the right distributor point, at the right time in right quantities
  • Timely availability and reliability of Sales MIS, which help in taking prudent decisions on a real time basis.

In order to reap maximum benefits from its sales and distribution network, Marico embarked on an internet-enabled application - MI-Net - to establish a network between Marico and its distributors through a web interface. This project is aimed at providing real time information on the status of various business operations between Marico and its distributors. This initiative is expected to provide business benefits in the form of increased penetration by the sales force, reduced communication costs, reduced working capital requirements, etc. The project went live on April 1, 2002 with connectivity to 330 urban distributors, who together account for about 3/4th of Marico's domestic turnover. The business benefits are expected to accrue over a period of time.

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At The End of The Day:

We believe that all our efforts and strengths MUST mean a better quality of life for our consumers as the maxim "Consumer is the King" is sacrosanct in our organisation. We strive towards this goal by constantly evolving new methods and practices that enhance the quality of our service. The entire sales organisation strives to be the BEST in CLASS at all times in all respects. These initiatives have been rewarded with increase in sales, greater penetration and happier consumers. Our ability to gather path-breaking insight has led us to untapped rural areas and the results have been great.

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